Who: McDonald’s What: McGriddle
Where: Route 57, Liverpool Phone: 622-5883 Website: McDonalds
Parking: Yes Accepts Credit Cards: Yes Take-Out: Yes Deliv ery: No
Where: Route 57, Liverpool Phone: 622-5883 Website: McDonalds
Parking: Yes Accepts Credit Cards: Yes Take-Out: Yes Deliv
If either of us has to work on a Saturday, we usually go out for breakfast. We had both eaten cereal all week and there was no way I was cooking an elaborate breakfast in the 30 minutes or so we had before we had to go. Bruegger’s, Dunkin Donuts, or McDonald’s are our normal breakfast spots if we don’t have time to sit and order. McDonald’s was sounding good so we went there. I’ve gotten pretty much everything on their breakfast menu because of the frequency of our visits. *Cough*Christine’s fault*Cough* Christine ordered what she always gets, biscuit with bacon, egg, and cheese. I had to scan the menu quickly because cars began pulling up behind us. I went with the bacon, egg, and cheese McGriddle. For those of you who don’t know what a McGriddle is, it is egg, cheese, and meat in between two mini “griddle” cakes. The griddle cakes are flavored to make them taste like a pancake with butter and syrup on it. So if you look at each piece that makes up the sandwich, it is essentially a hotcake breakfast that you can hold with one hand.
I have had McGriddles before so I knew it was going to taste good. What I didn’t expect was how good this specific McGriddle was going to taste. I’m never impressed with the egg because it’s the scrambled egg patty that they use on most of their sandwiches, this time wasn’t any different. I’m not sure their “fried” egg would fair any better. It would be better to just omit the egg if it weren’t for the protein. The saltiness of the cheese and bacon combined with the sugary sweetness from the griddle cakes is what really makes this sandwich. I loved every salty-sweet bite of this sandwich but the egg holds it back from greatness. The problem is you can’t just take the egg away, something needs to go in place of it but I haven’t figured out what yet.
Rating: Tasty – So close McDonald’s, so close.
Poor Christine. Though, I totally know you're right!! Of course, Micky-D's has become Ed's and my favorite breakfast spot now, too, because of me, now that he eats vegetarian food!! :)